USC Introduces LPX U-Treat Lite Seed Treater

The new seed treater combines a straight-forward automation experience with high accuracy and configurable options.

The new LPX U-Treat Lite seed treater combines a straight-forward automation experience with high accuracy and configurable options. Developed by USC Seed Treating Solutions, it is the only fully automated seed treater in its price range, making it more affordable for ag retailers.

Key features include:

  • Automates up to four volumetric metering pump stands.
  • Offers a 10” touchscreen for easy operation.
  • Monitor on the go with mobile device connectivity.
  • Supports up to 500 customers, seed profiles, chemistry profiles and recipes.
  • Patented stainless-steel atomizer chamber.

With automated start, run and end sequences, runs are highly repetitive by removing the opportunity for mistakes to be made during operations. Information needed for the operator to complete an order is simplified, and input data is organized into a quick access format to reduce pre-run set-up time.

The LPX U-Treat Lite seed treater is now available from USC dealers. Ag retailers can find their local dealer by visiting