Waconia Manufacturing Builds Facility Designed For Speed, Efficiency

To make its new hub facility more efficient, Cooperative Elevator Association enlisted the aid of Waconia Manufacturing.


Cooperative Elevator Association (CEA) needed to replace outdated, undersized and slow equipment that was no longer meeting its customer needs. So the company looked at its geography and how it fit within its territory, how it would service its future customer needs while allowing room for growth and expansion. CEA needed speed, flexibility, accuracy and ease of operation. What would be the most efficient long-term facility built for the company, going forward for the next 20, 30, or 40 years. CEA felt it did that with the building, equipment and system the company put together.

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“We wanted to make sure we were building something not only to meet today’s needs but long term,” said Rob Jacobs, general manager. “As far as efficiency, speed, accuracy, ease. The equipment has exceeded all of our expectations for sure.”


The equipment at the Ocheyedan, IA, fertilizer plant was specifically designed to meet the company’s needs. The 250 tph self-regulating receiving system allows easy operation and maximum capacity of the system. The loadout and blending system was designed for speed, efficiency, accuracy and engineered to the specific needs based on the parameters the coop required. “We partner with each customer to provide equipment necessary to achieve their goals,” says Waconia’s Rob Henderson.

For more information, visit www.WaconiaMfg.com.
