Technology And The 20-Minute Rule

I have a seven-year-old with an iPad that can tap into the Internet. To my son, “wait a minute” is not an appropriate response from his Dad when he can almost instantly tap into the entire World Wide Web for answers to his questions.

And according to many in the agricultural industry, growers have a lot in common with my seven-year-old son. For years now, everyone in the technology marketplace has fallen over themselves to increase the speed at which data can be collected, analyzed, and moved about. Until recently, I was under the impression that the window for such information to travel has been reduced from several days to a single day.


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But the truth is a single day is now a long time in the technology world. “We run our business on the 20-minute rule when it comes to getting information to the user,” said Dr. Marina Barnes, Vice President of Marketing for FarmersEdge, speaking at the 2016 Commodity Classic. “If you can’t get your technical data to work for the farmer within the first 20 minutes after he receives it, he’s probably never going to use it.”

Speaking as a lay person when it comes to using agricultural technology, this is blazing speed. Normally, it takes me more than 20 minutes to order and pick up a pizza for dinner! Yet, according to virtually every technologically-oriented person I spoke with at the 2016 Commodity Classic, the speed at which information can move about the agricultural community will only get faster as the technical aspects of wireless and mobile communications improve.

Oh what a brave, blazing fast new world we all have ahead of us!
