Monsanto Hears The WHO

By now, you’ve probably heard the news regarding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer classifying the popular herbicide glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Since this report first broke in mid-March, the “he said, she said” nature of the debate has been appearing almost daily across the spectrum of news media, both traditional and digital. Obviously, we will be following all of these developments closely as more details emerge in the coming weeks and months in this ongoing story.

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But in the meantime, reading the back and forth between the WHO, Monsanto and defenders/foes regarding the safety of glyphosate, I’m somewhat reminded of a classic Dr. Seuss story involving an elephant named Horton, skeptical residents of the Jungle of Nool and a dust speck (or in this case, molecule) many people have trouble believing in.

With the names changed, here’s how a shorter version of that tale might read in this context:

Monsanto Hears The WHO – By MR. S.

On the 20th of March, from the country of France

In the middle of the day, taking a firm stance

The World Health Organization (WHO) classified glyphosate

“Probably carcinogenic,” might cause humans to fright

From the offices of Monsanto, in the city of St. Louis

The company begged to differ, why do this to us?

We hear the news, and the “facts” of this report

But please, give us a chance to retort

The study is incomplete, with some details a jumble

It might simply be a ploy to make our stock price tumble

We think you are foolish, looking at glyphosate to blame

“The WHO has something to explain”

Through the high-tech Internet, the news quickly spread

Glyphosate is dangerous, something for us humans to dread

An aid to the farmer, it might truly be

But will it make me sick when I turn 63?

Soon, established scientists chimed in without pause

“This report contains no new research, among other flaws”

Maybe glyphosate on humans might be a sin

“But to me, the evidence cited here appears a bit thin”

Monsanto hears the WHO, and promises to fight without fail

Hoping an official retraction from the group might prevail

Until then, for glyphosate use in the spring, summer and fall-ish

The fight is apt to continue, no matter how big or how small-ish