New Tool Pinpoints Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds
Using a new tool now available on, growers can find out just how close glyphosate resistance is to their farm. The continuously updated map feature pinpoints where glyphosate-resistant weeds have been identified or suspected down to the county level.
Visitors to the site can view glyphosate resistance information by weed species or location. By simply rolling over the state or area in question, a legend appears showing state, county, weed and crop.
“Being proactive against glyphosate resistance is critical to managing it successfully,” says Chuck Foresman, manager of weed resistance strategies for Syngenta. “This valuable new tool will help growers and retailers stay informed about weed problems in their local area. In turn, they can use the Solutions Builder to create a customized weed management program that includes proven Resistance Fighter brands like Prefix, Flexstar GT, Halex GT, Lexar, Reflex, Sequence, and Gramoxone Inteon herbicides.”
The interactive map highlights the locations of university confirmed glyphosate-resistant weeds. In addition, it incorporates data gathered from the Syngenta Solution Builder Module. State, county, crop, tillage information, and problematic weeds, as well as whether or not weeds are perceived as resistant to glyphosate, are taken in to account. Weeds that are tagged as resistant to glyphosate herbicides are distinguished on the map with a “pin” marking the location. As new users visit the Solutions Builder Module and new information is added, the map is updated.
In addition to the interactive map, offers recently published articles and university research from around the U.S., an ongoing dialogue of what’s happening in the world of glyphosate-weed resistance through the Ask the Expert blog, audio testimonials and much more.
For more information on glyphosate resistance management, visit