BASF Showcases Current Portfolio and Provides a First Look at Future Advancements

Technical Service Representative Vince Davis Tar Spot Presentation_BASF Showcase Plot

Technical Service Representative Vince Davis gives a tar spot presentation at the BASF Showcase Plot Tour in Seymour, IL, on June 27, 2022.

On June 27, BASF Agricultural Solutions kicked off the first of several 2022 Showcase Plot Tours, highlighting their successes in Plant Health so far this growing season. The two-day event hosted 235 growers and retailers at BASF’s Midwest Research Farm in Seymour, IL. BASF representatives gave short, informational presentations over a variety of topics, including:

  • Fungicides and Plant Health: Vince Davis, Technical Service Representative
  • Herbicide Portfolio: Jared Roskamp, Technical Service Representative
  • Herbicide Pipeline: Mike Probst, Technical Service Representative and Morgan Reckling, Business Representative
  • Soybean Seeds: Greg Ury, Seed Agronomist

After holding the event virtually in 2021, Neil Bentley, Vice President of Market Management for North America, welcomed back the crowd by discussing the company’s overall strategy for innovation.

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“It’s been a couple of years since we’ve been together, but our mission has not changed,” Bentley said. “We want to work with you for more yield, better quality and improved efficiency.”

Attendees then had the opportunity to tour corn and soybean plots. Vince Davis, a Technical Service Representative out of Wisconsin, talked with growers about disease pressure in corn and how growers can learn from previous years’ challenges. When it comes to spraying fungicides he advised growers that “it’s about more than just defense against disease, but protecting and maintaining Plant Health as whole.”

With commodity prices top of mind, success in soybean fields is critical for growers. Seed Agronomist Greg Ury pointed out that within the last five years, more and more growers are planting their soybeans earlier, which turns out to be a foundational component of a successful season, he says. Ury then outlined BASF’s approach to placing the right seed variety in the right environment, and how to protect each seed’s yield potential by way of seed treatments and inoculants.

Guests were given a first look at some new and upcoming products in BASF’s corn and soybean Crop Protection portfolios by Business Representative Morgan Reckling and Technical Service Representative Mike Probst. The pair showcased advancements made in the glufosinate molecule through BASF’s investment in new formulations and more powerful pre-mixes.

“We are also building on our Revysol portfolio,” Probst hinted. “So keep an eye out for a new fungicide within the next few years.”

Throughout the summer, BASF will be hosting additional Showcase Plot tours in Goener, NE, on August 3 and 4, and in Story City, IA, on August 9. For more information, talk to your local BASF representative or visit the Virtual Showcase Plots at
