COVID-19: How Ag Retailers Are Stepping Up to Help Customers, Employees Amid the Coronavirus Crisis

Unprecedented. Unpredictable. Uncharted territory. Fluid situation. Those are just some of the terms being used to describe the coronavirus and its impact on the current state of the world. Closer to home, U.S. ag retailers are trying to navigate through the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously ramping up operations ahead of #plant20.

“Unlike many businesses, it’s simply not an option to shutdown agriculture,” said Tennessee Farmers Cooperative CEO Bart Krisle in a message to customers on March 19. “Farmers have animals to feed and crops to plant, and these activities require a reliable source of quality products and dependable services on a timely basis. Our world depends on the products our farmers produce.”


Some companies are further along than others in responding to COVID-19, as our recent poll would suggest. When asked if they have changed any policies or procedures so far, 32% of retailers said “Not yet, waiting for more information.”

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That poll was taken on March 16. Since then, there have been shining examples of retailers establishing transparent communication with messages to their employees, customers, and industry partners regarding their response to the coronavirus. View the slideshow above to learn how some CropLife 100 companies have taken a proactive approach during the pandemic.

The Agricultural Retailers Association has also published a Resources page for its members with helpful links that will prepare them for COVID-19 and protect their employees. If your company has taken measures to respond to coronavirus, please let us know in the comments section below or e-mail me at [email protected].
