Keys To Ensuring Proper Containment

In today’s ever-changing ag retail world, the one constant is the need for safety and security. This is particularly true on the facility grounds. For many years, retailers have strived to protect their operations as best they could. Below you will find several photographs taken at various dealerships around the country that exemplify this thorough understanding of dealership security and safety.

Key Points To Consider


A. To thoroughly protect their facilities from safety and security threats, retailers should not only install physical barriers such as locks, but also have ways to track visitor movements.
B. Proper containment areas for all potentially hazardous materials, both liquid and dry, is a must for all ag retailers to properly maintain spill dangers.
C. Relying on outside emergency responders to help ag retailers maintain their level of safety is critical. Retailers should regularly work with these groups to ensure smooth interaction in the event of an emergency situation.
D. Employees should be trained to handle emergency situations. These same individuals can be used to self-evaluate a retailer’s safety preparedness.

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