Consolidation Chart Offers Historical Look at Ag Retail’s Top 100

Consolidation Chart 2017

The Asmark Institute recently updated its Consolidation Chart, which provides a historical look at the top 100 ag retailers in the U.S. and their consolidation throughout the years. View the full version of the chart on

Engage in any conversation and sooner or later the subject of consolidation comes up. Over the years, many of the top ag retailers have consolidated with other companies to solidify their ongoing growth and influence within the ag industry. For as popular a subject as consolidation is, historical information is almost nonexistent. But thanks to the recently updated Consolidation Chart from The Asmark Institute, the industry has a visual graphic that portrays its heritage.


The project began by compiling a list of the top 100 ag chemical and fertilizer dealers in the U.S., provided by CropLife magazine’s Top 100 rankings and articles over the years, spanning from 1984 to 2017. The information provided in these articles created the foundation for what would become an industry first: the top 1oo dealers and their consolidation throughout the years. In addition to the information provided by CropLife, countless hours of research, as well as personal interviews with industry professionals, have helped to create this unique and very visual journey through history.

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While many of the companies shown on the chart have maintained their ranking over the years on the Top 100, others have appeared briefly. This Consolidation Chart represents only the beginning as the Asmark Institute will continue to follow the companies and publish updates based on CropLife magazine’s Top 100.

View the full version of the Consolidation Chart on
