Two New Biostimulants Added To United Suppliers’ Product Portfolio

Winfield US announces the launch of two new products in the United Suppliers portfolio for the 2016 crop season, Optify / Stretch and Toggle.

Optify/Stretch is a broad spectrum biostimulant that improves a plant’s ability to withstand stress, increases early season vigor and provides more efficient nutrient and water uptake. Optify/Stretch is an in-furrow product.


Toggle is a complex array of biologically active compounds scientifically shown to improve stress tolerance and root development and enhance nutrient uptake. Toggle is applied as a foliar treatment.

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“We are looking forward to launching these new solutions within the United Suppliers portfolio of products. Our customers will use these advanced technologies to help farmers produce stronger, healthier crops that mitigate yield limiting stresses and allow crops to reach a greater potential,” stated Charlie Hampton, Marketing Manager.

The two new products are the latest in a rich pipeline of agronomic solutions that support retailers and their customers in meeting production potential.
