Syngenta Responds To Lawyer’s Victory Claim In Viptera Lawsuit

A plaintiff’s lawyer has issued a public statement claiming that damages have been awarded in the Agrisure Viptera corn lawsuits against Syngenta. That statement is false.  No court has made any such determination. Syngenta acted appropriately in this matter, believes the lawsuits are baseless and will continue to defend against them. American farmers deserve to have access to U.S.-approved technologies like Agrisure Viptera that can help increase their crop yields and productivity.

Syngenta believes everyone who is interested deserves a place to go for information about Agrisure Viptera and the Agrisure Viptera China lawsuits so they can draw their own conclusions about these important issues. We encourage those interested to visit as an information resource, as we believe the facts show we launched Agrisure Viptera appropriately.


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