Unsurpassed Productivity with SUPERU® Fertilizer
In one ready-to-use product, SUPERU fertilizer allows for broader and more even spread patterns so applicators and growers can cover more acres in less time and be assured that nitrogen is protected, even when applied to the surface.
SUPERU fertilizer also helps farmers minimize potential environmental impact.
Recent field trials on spring wheat in Glyndon, Minnesota, for example, found that SUPERU fertilizer reduced cumulative nitrate leaching by 30 percent. In the spring wheat trials, SUPERU fertilizer was found to significantly reduce all three types of nitrogen loss.
That’s an important benefit for Minnesota producer Clark Anderson.
Koch will produce SUPERU fertilizer using its proprietary N-TEGRATION™ Technology at the Enid, Oklahoma, plant as it does today at its urea plant in Manitoba, Canada, and its specialty plant in St. Louis. N-TEGRATION Technology is a branded technology platform that allows proprietary Koch additives such as AGROTAIN nitrogen stabilizer to be integrated directly into granular or prilled urea, ensuring uniform distribution throughout each granule.
To learn more about SUPERU fertilizer, contact your Koch sales person or visit www.superufertilizer.com.
AGROTAIN®, SUPERU® and the SUPERU logo are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc. © 2017 Koch Agronomic Services.
N-TEGRATION™ and the N-TEGRATION logo are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC in the United States and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.