Sackett-Waconia Builds a Complete System to Meet UFC’s Needs

When United Farmers Cooperative (UFC) in Brownton, MN, needed a system that could met the high output demands of their region, it turned to Sackett-Waconia.

UFC’s Brownton, MN, plant was an excellent opportunity to work with a great customer and showcase the kind of technology that we see as the future of the industry. UFC needed a system that could empty a unit train as quickly as possible, and meet the high output demands of their region. After working with the customer, we designed a 1,200 tph receiving system, in which you can empty an entire rail car at one time. On the bulk blending side, we took the plant’s capacity needs into account and designed a Precision Fertilizer Blending system that incorporated a 4-ton H.I.M. Mixer and over 250 tons of storage. We were able to accommodate an existing wholesale tower that was moved to this location from an existing location. All-in-all, it’s a true mega-plant, and will be servicing the area for a long time to come. We were particularly happy to hear that the plant was able to move 4,200 tons of fertilizer in a day, recently. It truly was a great example of working with a customer to give them a custom designed system to meet their needs, today and in the future, as nutrients and value-added product needs change.