Minn-Kota Ag Products Partners With Stueve Construction On New Hub Facility

Stueve Construction helped Minn-Kota Ag Products in Wahpeton, ND, develop and build a new hub facility that would meet its customers’ ever-changing farm dynamics.

What They Needed

Wil and Jody Schuler, Minn-Kota Ag Products

“An older aging facility and the need to meet our customers’ ever-changing farming dynamics,” said Jody Schuler, president and owner of Minn-Kota Ag Products, were the driving factors which moved the company to build a new hub facility. “We contacted Stueve Construction at the Northern AG Expo at Fargo back in 2012. To begin the process, Steve Anderson [from Stueve] met with our team to look at our needs and then developed a solution that would help meet our objectives. His experience coupled with our ideas gave us a plant design we felt would meet our objectives. We also met with Larry Yargus at Yargus Mfg. to explore the DW Blend System. We liked the simplicity, easy access for maintenance and precision blending.”

“As a result, we now have the ability to receive product faster, hold a larger amount and more products for our season needs and not to mention move product faster for our customer’s,” said Wil Schuler, vice president and owner. “Features that we really like are the natural lighting effects in the bin & catwalk area — second to none in the Industry we found, spacious bin area and alleyway with natural light features, elevated control room and loadout area design.”