10 Key Advantages of Using 4R Nutrient Stewardship Practices

By implementing 4R nutrient stewardship practices, you optimize the nutrients you apply to maximize plant uptake and minimize field losses. Using the 4Rs allows you to keep the nutrients in the root zone and available when the crop needs them the most during the growing season. According to The Fertilizer Institute, there are several main advantages of using 4R nutrient stewardship practices, including the following:

  1. Crop fertilization program consisting of right fertilizer source, applied at the right rate and right time and in the right place.
  2. An efficient, effective, science-based use of plant nutrients to achieve agronomic, economic, social and environmental benefits.
  3. Optimized yield with reduced nutrient losses from the field by matching crop requirements and nutrient supply.
  4. Proper nutrient management promotes crop growth and improves soil health.
  5. Enhanced soil organic matter levels by producing more root and crop residue biomass.
  6. Maximize the ability of the soil to provide all essential nutrients in adequate amounts relative to plant need.
  7. Efficient use of water through the combined interaction of soil, nutrients and water.
  8. Efficient plant nutrient uptake and reduced loss to the environment by keeping nutrients in the root zone.
  9. Maximize fertilizer ROI by minimizing nutrient losses and increasing productivity.
  10. Framework encourages discussion between farmers and crop advisers about improving fertilizer management practices.