JFK And Agriculture: 5 Key Milestones During The Kennedy Presidency

John F. Kennedy probably knew less about agriculture than any presidential candidate before him when he ran for the presidency in 1960, according to LivingHistoryFarm.org. After all, he was from Boston with a wealthy stockbroker for a father.

On the other hand, one of his closest advisors was Ted Sorensen whose father had been born in a Nebraska sod house. Perhaps Sorensen was the influence that caused JFK to declare during the campaign, “The family farm should remain the backbone of American agriculture… [and] the decline in agricultural income is the number one domestic problem in the United States.”

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, I have researched the key agricultural milestones during his presidency. Thus, the slideshow above is a chronological selection of important events and legislation from JFK’s administration: