BASF Launches to Raise Awareness of Soybean Cyst Nematode Populations

Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is present in most areas where soybeans are grown, and because nematodes feed on the roots of the plant, the damage is often invisible without any above ground symptoms. To help farmers do the Biggest Job on Earth, BASF is launching, a website dedicated to providing farmers with SCN sampling results from more than 4,000 collected samples across the U.S.

Soil sampling is the best way for farmers to determine SCN population levels and help inform decision-making as they work to protect soybean yields. allows farmers to search SCN sampling results from their area by searching using town name or area code. BASF provides average egg count data and percent of samples at damaging levels, and each area is also provided with a color-coded marker, displaying if an egg count is low, medium, high or very high.

“Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is the leading cause of soybean yield loss in the United States, costing growers over 100 million bushels of yield and an estimated $1.5 billion in yield annually,” said Troy Bauer, BASF Senior Field Technical Representative, Seed Treatments. “Farmers need to be testing their fields and ensuring SCN isn’t becoming a problem without them even realizing it. will allow growers access to valuable soil sampling data and help them build a plan to protect yield from this devastating threat.”

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With, a farmer can see samples with high counts locally and know they need to take steps now to manage the threat of SCN. In addition, SCN populations can change in-season, and a grower in an area with low counts can monitor samples in their area on

SCN also has an impact on other diseases, like sudden death syndrome (SDS), making it imperative to manage both pests. ILEVO seed treatment has been proven to deliver increased yield potential under SCN and SDS pressures, offering soybean crop protection from the unpredictability of each season. Using ILEVO seed treatment to protect from SCN is a valuable way to add yield potential and partner with SCN-resistant varieties.
