Micros Experience A Building Boom
With demand for micronutrients burgeoning, suppliers have had to hustle the past few years to keep products available. In fact, this industry segment has struggled with pricing problems and raw material shortages, challenges that have been hard on dealer and grower customers as well.
For many companies the answer is expansion. Wolf Trax recently completed an overhaul and updates to its Winnipeg, MN, manufacturing facility to keep in step with the “tremendous growth in demand for DDP Micronutrients in 2012,” says Kerry Green, managing director.
Dr. Julian Smith, domestic sales director with Brandt Consolidated, reports the company is in the process of finishing a 36,000-square foot addition to its facility in central Illinois. “It will greatly expand our capacity for micro formulations both liquid and dry,” he says.
Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizer has also aggressively expanded, with a new manufacturing facility, corporate headquarters, and stocking points — and plans to position itself “very well for a very significant increase in production capability in micronutrients,” says Lonny Smith, marketing manager. The company delivers proprietary liquid fertilizers across the U.S. and into Canada, Mexico and Belize. Agro-Culture’s explosive growth curve was its number one challenge last year but Smith assures, “we’ve been able to stay ahead of it.”