Soil Moisture Management, Enhanced Zoning Among New Features for EOS Crop Monitoring

EOS Crop Monitoring, a satellite crop monitoring platform, has launched an extensive update. The presented features function as a multi-faceted tool for farmers, crop consultants, and agricultural retailers helping them make data-driven decisions, cut expenditures, and increase yields.

The key highlights of the updated system include soil moisture management, team accounts, a 14-day weather forecast from a leading weather provider, enhanced zoning, and other minor tweaks that make working on the platform a smooth experience.


Here is a brief overview of the new and updated functions:

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Soil Moisture

The product supports an innovative feature, soil moisture monitoring. Farmers don’t have to be experienced users of the platform to process information. With two curves displayed on a customized chart, they can track surface moisture and rhizome zone moisture obtained from satellite data. It can seriously improve yield predictions and upgrade farming decisions to a notably higher level of efficiency.

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