EPA on Dicamba: ‘We Need to Have Certainty for Our Growers’

The EPA wants to work with state pesticide regulators on its review of dicamba herbicides as the registration deadline approaches this December, according to an article from Agri-Pulse on Wednesday.

“We need to have certainty for our growers,” said Alexandra Dapolito Dunn, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, at the Association of American Pesticide Officials’ annual meeting in Alexandria, VA, according to the article. She called dicamba-tolerant seed and accompanying herbicides “a valuable tool for America’s farmers.”


But in a nod to the continuing issues with off-target drift from the new formulations, Dunn added, “We appreciate also some of the scientific questions that have persisted with dicamba use.”

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On the question of when EPA would make its decision, Dunn said, “We want to finish well before the Dec. 20 expiration date.” Rick Keigwin, head of EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, echoed that sentiment, saying the agency’s goal is to reach a decision in time for growers to make informed planting decisions for 2021.

Continue reading at Agri-Pulse.


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Avatar for Proud Midwestern Farmer Proud Midwestern Farmer says:

The American farmer is the best steward of the land on Earth. They do not purposefully hurt the land in the name of “progress”. They cannot afford to just dump poisons across the Earth “just because they can”. Keep in mind that the American consumer does not own this land, the farmers or decendants of farmers do. So if consumers want certain things, do not demand change in agriculture. Get involved to help create change with the farmer that will produce the our food.
