Precision Passion

Now, as spring is ending and summer is just starting to kick in, is about the only thing that passes for a “breather” for us these days. While Midwest farm fields are in the final throes of planting (made infinitely worse this year by incessant rains just about everywhere but Iowa), we’re looking ahead to next year and trying to figure out where the various aspects of agriculture are headed.

We’ve also been hard at work on developing the electronic presence of our brands to better serve you, our audience. The CropLife® brand and our sister publication, CropLife IRON, now have a fully-developed Web presence and a weekly enewsletter to keep you plugged into retailer news whenever you need it. You can sign up for the enewsletter online at Our Web Editor Matt Hopkins always welcomes your comments and suggestions, as we are continually updating and revising the site.


Another electronic communication project we have been spending significant time developing is our PrecisionAg brand. We’re now offering a wider range of tools, networking, and information options for you to use, as well as recommend to your grower-customers to use as a tool to educate and inform. Here are some of the projects we have going:

Top Articles
House and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairs Release Visions for New Farm Bill We have owned the Web site for the past 15 years, and this year we are putting in place a new design that will give users easier and deeper access to all the precision technology information we offer.

PrecisionAg Network: We did an experimental launch of this new business network site for precision practitioners earlier this year to a limited audience, and the membership has grown to more than 100 professionals focused on agriculture technology. Users who sign up can join individual groups within precision agriculture, start and join in discussions, and connect with other precision technology practitioners. It’s a great place to connect in a professional social network with like-minded individuals.

PrecisionAg WORKS: This precision technology advocacy site is quickly becoming a one-stop shop for anyone who’s interested in precision technology to learn more about precision products, practices, and benefits. Today, the site offers a robust library of articles and videos on best practices and products, grower and consultant success stories, and information on how to get started with the technology. This is a great third-party place to send growers who are interested in learning more about precision technology. This advocacy program is sponsored by the PrecisionAg Institute.

PrecisionAg eNews: This weekly enewsletter is designed to keep you up to date on the latest happenings in the precision agriculture market. You can sign up at by clicking on the eNews icon.

We continue to service our CropLife readers with the PrecisionAg Buyer’s Guide and Special Reports on a quarterly basis as well.

We’ve prided ourselves on being the only media company to continue to invest and support the precision technology market, and we invite you to take full advantage of our offerings.
