Farmers Connect With Media

Officers of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) participated in more than 40 media interviews and spent time with members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting at its annual convention last week in Kansas City, MO. NCGA president Bart Schott found many connections between corn farmers and the media who cover them, and recognized their hard work in communicating the values of rural America.

“2010 has been quite a year for farmers and farm broadcasters,” says Schott, a corn farmer from Kulm, ND. “We are both dealing with industry consolidation and the pressure to do things differently. And although we’re expected to do more, there are fewer of us to do it.”


Among the topics covered in interviews by Schott, first vice president Garry Niemeyer and CEO Rick Tolman were the 2010 corn crop, the importance of ethanol, the new U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance, and the outcomes of the midterm elections.

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“As we learned last week, come January there will be many new faces in Washington,” Schott says. “In order to have government policy that works for and not against agriculture, we will have to make friends fast. And to do that, we need farm broadcasters to help make the voice of the American farmer heard.”

(Source: National Corn Growers Association)
