Rank: 32 (Previous Rank: 37)
1947 Briarfield Blvd.
Maumee OH 43537
Maumee OH 43537
Phone: 419-891-6584
Website: http://www.Andersonsinc.com
Organization Type: National or Regional Chain of Dealerships
Year Founded: 1947
Retail Outlets: 10
States Served: 3 (IN, MI, OH)
Employees: 105
Agricultural Retailers Association Member: Yes
2023 Revenue: $101-$200 million
Revenue by input:
Crop Protection: 22%,
Fertilizer: 69%,
Seed: 4%,
Custom Application: 4%
The Andersons, Inc. began as a single grain elevator and one man’s dream has grown into a publicly traded company with diverse interests that include agribusinesses such as grain and plant nutrients as well as railcar leasing and repair, industrial products formulation, turf products, retailing and most recently ethanol operations.