The World Of Precision Agriculture

It’s time once again for U.S. agriculture to welcome the world’s most prominent site-specific ag thinkers and researchers for four days of learning and interaction.

The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is hosting the 11th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Indianapolis July 15-18. After a lengthy stint in Denver, the event returns to the Midwest energized by excitement and activity in the evolution of precision.

Precision agricultural techniques, technologies, and its applications continue to grow across the globe and so is the precision agricultural community,” say Raj Khosla, the Colorado State University professor who has over the past three conferences injected new life into the event. “The 11th ICPA is envisioned to be the largest ever; we anticipate over 600 attendees from all over the U.S and from over 50 countries.

The 11th ICPA will highlight significant research and applications in precision agriculture, and will showcase emerging technologies and information management. It will offer oral and poster presentations, exhibits, and opportunities for discussion and exchange of information in various aspects of precision agriculture.

A dedicated session for practitioners — the “Precision A to Z Track” — will offer practical advice and training from international authorities on key topics of precision agriculture for producers and professionals.

Quentin Rund, president of PAQ Interactive and program coordinator for ICPA, says the conference will have something for everyone involved in precision technology.

“A look back at past programs is like looking at a who’s who in precision ag today,” says Rund. “Over 200 research presentations will cover the application of new technologies as well as the theoretical studies that introduce us to the technologies of the future, and the A to Z track focuses on practical application of technologies and presentations by leading precision ag vendors.”

The conference boasts an international exhibit hall and plenty of opportunity to network with representatives from over 40 countries, he adds.  “It’s the cheapest round-the-world tour of precision ag available in 2012.”

Honoring Excellence

The 11th ICPA will honor the achievements of a young and senior scientist with the P.C. Robert Young and Senior Scientist Awards.

“In addition, we plan to offer several awards in the graduate student category to recognize their work and encourage participation in the ICPA,” says Khosla.

Conference registration is available at several levels depending upon level of interest, and includes a one-year membership in ISPA that’s built into the fee. A full conference registration costs $650, and a single day registration is $400. Attendees can also choose the A to Z Track only, which costs $350 and does not include the scientific paper presentation sessions.

Prices listed are good through June 15, after which registration at all levels increases by $100.

For full conference information, including an online registration form, visit the society’s website here.