Agtrinsic, Ceres Imaging Expand Disease Risk Solution

Ceres Imaging, the precision agriculture data analytics company that combines AI with remote sensing technologies to increase farm profits, has announced that its Field Disease Risk product will be made available to growers as part of Evergreen’s Agtrinsic platform.

The expansion announcement is the result of five years of collaboration, and comes after a successful 2021 season limited release where Ceres Imaging and Agtrinsic offered their combined solution on a select 100,000 acres across Illinois.

“We were extremely pleased with the accuracy of the solution from last season’s trials and are confident this will be an easy to use tool for our customers to save money and make better decisions with their fungicide applications,” said Matt Free at Evergreen FS.

The disease risk solution will be available for dryland soybean and corn farmers in the Midwest U.S. For growers in high disease risk regions, the solution helps with fungicide timing and provides flat or variable rate application recommendations. For growers where fungicide is applied more selectively, the solution provides guidance on spray / no spray decisions, as well as timing and application rates.

Additionally, the tool also offers salespeople a data-driven solution to help them provide better agronomic support with fungicide decision making, backed by years of field trials.

“While other providers show where disease has already impacted a crop, this is the first proactive solution that gets ahead of disease risks before it impacts yield. We are honored that Evergreen FS is putting its trusted name behind this collaborative solution,” said Ceres Imaging CEO Ashwin Madgavkar.

How it Works:

  • Agtrinsic monitors for regional disease risk through its network.
  • When Agtrinsic flags a region as high risk for disease pressure through AI technology, it triggers a field level analysis by Ceres Imaging.
  • Ceres Imaging combines satellite data and its patented algorithms to assess disease risk at a farm and field level as part of its Field Disease Risk solution.

Farms are then delivered a fungicide recommendation in the Agtrinsic app. The recommendation includes:

  • Which pathogens are of greatest concern.
  • A low, medium or high score based on field level disease risk.
  • A flat or variable rate fungicide application recommendation for the best return on investment.

“Providing timely data that helps growers save money and improve yields is a key element of our Farmer of the Future vision. We believe this solution is a game changer for the fungicide market and we are excited about it’s expansion,” said John Tuttle at Evergreen FS.