5 Questions to Ask Your Partners About Your Ag Data

Editor’s note: This article originally published in April 2020.

We’ve seen tremendous innovation in agriculture in recent decades, and today, the greatest advances are coming from data insights, writes The Climate Corporation’s John Raines at PrecisionAg. To make sure this progress continues, digital farming innovators need to focus equally on technology and trust.

Data is enabling new innovations and improved processes across the ag industry. Plant breeders use it to develop the newest, best-performing seed hybrids and varieties. Researchers use it to test the performance of potential new solutions. The supply chain is better-informed by data to help ensure the right products are produced and provided at the right time.

But it’s on the farm where some of the most important data-fueled advances are happening. The ability of digital platforms to easily and automatically collect information, provide analysis, and deliver insights is helping farmers to make more-informed decisions at every step of every season – and that can result in bigger harvests, increased efficiency and sustainability, and hopefully enhanced profitability.

The value of these advances throughout the industry is unquestionable, but they also raise some new questions for farmers. After all, it’s their aggregated business information from which these insights are built. There is tremendous value in this information and the resulting insights. Farmers have every right to ensure it is used appropriately, and only in ways they acknowledge and approve.

At The Climate Corporation, we’ve always taken this obligation to heart. Our policies are designed to lead the industry, clearly establishing that farmers own their information and are in full control over how it is used. But we also know this industry is relatively new and fast-moving, and that we and others in it must work every day to earn farmers’ trust and ensure our policies are clearly communicated.

Read more at PrecisionAg.