Purdue Program To Focus On Making Better Ag Business Decisions

Purdue University’s Center for Food and Agricultural Business will offer the Strategic Decision Making program June 28-30 in West Lafayette, IN, to help business leaders make better decisions.

The program is geared toward food and agribusiness leaders and managers who are considering growth or investment opportunities, investigating new market access, developing product strategies or prioritizing research and development – among other major decisions.

“The food and agribusiness climate is fast-paced and competitive, which requires business leaders to make potentially game-changing decisions pretty quickly,” said Allan Gray, the center’s director and professor of agricultural economics. “But even in today’s environment, there’s a difference between taking strategic chances and making rash decisions. Quick decisions still need to be made with discipline.”

Gray teaches Strategic Decision Making alongside Michael Boehlje, distinguished professor of agricultural economics, and Nicole Olynk Widmar, associate professor of agricultural economics.

The program offers ways to effectively make and implement decisions, including defining problems, setting objectives, considering alternatives, describing consequences and identifying tradeoffs. It also offers frameworks for minimizing risk while capturing potential reward.

Participants are encouraged to come to the program with a looming decision in mind. Faculty instructors will walk the class through a guided process, then give individual feedback.

Register and find more information here. Questions should be directed to April Sauer, the center’s managing director, at 765-494-4328 or aasauer@purdue.edu.

As a lead-up to the program, Boehlje wrote a recent blog article focused on disciplined decision-making and how to salvage value when a poor decision has been made.

Strategic Decision Making is presented in partnership with the Agricultural Retailers Association.