Zidua SC Herbicide Receives New Label Changes for Extended Use in 2019 Season

Changes to the Zidua SC herbicide label will provide growers with a new level of flexibility this season. The label change extends the postemergence application stage in soybeans from the V3 growth stage to the V6 growth stage to give growers an expanded window of application.

Rainy weather conditions across the Midwest resulted in delayed planting. According to the June 16, 2019 USDA Crop Report, only 77 percent of soybean acreage has been planted, compared to a five-year average of 93 percent1. As a result, growers will need better, more reliable options for post-residuals. With the Zidua SC herbicide extension through the V6 growth stage, growers now have more weed control options for this stage of growth and additional time to apply their postemergence herbicide. In addition, Zidua SC herbicide helps growers by providing outstanding control on weeds and grasses proven resistant to ALS-inhibitors, glyphosate, ACCase and triazines.

Adding a second effective herbicide, such as Zidua SC herbicide, to postemergence applications also helps to manage resistance for the future. Research shows that growers using more than two modes of action in the same tank are 83 times less likely to develop resistant weeds than those with less than two effective modes.