Weed Management Key for Georgia Cotton Farmers

Using postemergence herbicides to control problematic weeds has been recently successful for Georgia cotton farmers, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed specialist Stanley Culpepper and reported by Clint Thompson on AlbanyHerald.com.

Two to three weeks of steady rainfall prevented many farmers from making postemergence herbicide applications in late May, a pivotal time for cotton plants to establish growth. These postemergence herbicides help to tame weeds like glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth, more commonly called “pigweed.”


Pre-emergence herbicides helped growers make it through the period of constant, often heavy, rains, Culpepper said. Most postemergence herbicide mixtures, like Roundup, dicamba and 2,4-D, have also performed well. He added that even though applications of Liberty herbicide struggled during May’s consistently cloudy conditions, they regained effectiveness when the sun and heat returned in June. But as parts of the state continue to dry, the level of control offered by these systemic herbicides may decrease.

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