Mini-Bulk Summit Offered Solutions

Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) hosted the "Mini-Bulk Recycling Summit" November 10-11, 2009 at the Airport Marriott Hotel, St. Louis, MO. More than 80 people attended representing distributors, state associations, basic manufacturers, regulatory, and vendors.

"The purpose of the summit was to recognize the significance of unwanted mini-bulk tanks in the distribution channel and address issues related to the rule requirements per the U.S. Environmental Pesticide Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)," says MACA president John McKinney. "Possible solutions were discussed for dealing with those surplus tanks in an environmentally responsible manner."


Panelists and speakers included:

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  • Nancy Fitz, U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, who reviewed the new mini-bulk container rule requirements which become effective on August 16, 2011;
  • Don Bradley, AgData, on the different types of containers;
  • Marty Fitzpatrick, CropLife America Stewardship Committee, who provided a detailed industry overview; and
  • Dave Hoyt, United Suppliers, on the industry’s responsibilities.

To review the presentations go to and click on the education page, then scroll down to Mini-Bulk Container Recycling Summit Presentations.
